ATTENTION: If you're frustrated that you still don't have the money you want, the old way of doing things hasn't worked for you, or feel that if you got your finances where you want them, you could achieve and have the things you've been missing out on... then read this message to discover the 3 easy to do keys to start manifesting the money you most want...
The 3 Easy To Do Keys To Start Manifesting The Money You Most Want
PLUS: Why many techniques don't work... and what to do to make almost any technique work for you.

DISCOVER: How you can quickly start having the Law Of Attraction bring everything that you most desire into your life, so you start having the money, the lifestyle, the freedom of time that you most desire.

Dear Friends,

If you're ready to have the money you want, read on because I'm about to reveal to you how to have the money you want, without the struggles you may have had in the past. 
What Do You Desire For Your Finances?
Starting out, it could be being able to budget better and stop spending excessively. You have an income but you want to stop spending it all. You want to be able to have a budget and keep it so you can accumulate and save money every month

You'd like to enjoy what you do to make more even more. You could be in a position right now, what while it's providing an income that could be helping to pay for the car payment, the house payment, or other things... you're not really that passionate about it. 

You'd like to be doing things during the day that you're just excited about, that you feel congruent with. That you feel that it's coming from who you are and it uses all of who you are and your abilities. 

Maybe you're nearing retirement age and what you most want is to be able to have a continuous source of income, keep your lifestyle, and enjoy time and freedom with the people you most love that you were putting off until the retirement age. 

Maybe you need to have some additional income to take care of credit card expenses, or some other things. Or to have more date nights or more nice things in your lifestyle that you deserve. Maybe $100 or $300 or $1,000 or maybe more will make a phenomenal difference in your life. 

It could be that your greatest desire is to have the luxuries. The big fancy car, the big home, ocean view, private jets, helicopter rides, cruises first class and to be able to enjoy those things with the people that you most want to enjoy them with. 

It could be having a laptop lifestyle and really having more flexibility, more freedom of time to do the things you want to do in life. Maybe travel, learn a different language, explore other cultures. 

Finally, it could be that you most want to do more for others, contribute to make the world a better place, help improve the environment and many, many things.

As an example, one of the sales individuals in another company that I own, he asked that each month his bonus, instead of going to him, be donated to a foundation that he supports that's for animal preservation that I think is phenomenal.
Some Of The Things You May Have Tried...
The first thing that a lot of people tried is to say, well, no, tomorrow. Or, when the government changes or the economy changes. I'll just wait until I retire to find something that's going to work. Or tomorrow. I know when there's new management at the company, I'm going to feel more passionate about it. Or when this happens.

It's the tomorrow type of mentality. It's really, really common. If you've tried that, I can attest and students can attest, that it's frustrating. 

A lot of times you can be doing that for a really long period time. You can look back and say that things really haven't gotten better. You've been waiting for tomorrow. That tomorrow may never come. 

Something else you may have tried is talking to friends or getting information from other people. Maybe if you're in a sales position, you can ask for some tips. Sometimes they work, a lot of times they don't.

You may have looked at courses or things to be more motivated. A lot of times that's excellent. You can be more motivated, but that may not have translated into the financial results that you most want.

You may have looked at different courses or techniques or methods. Those could be to either make more money or to budget, to save better. There's a lot of books and systems and course out there related to that. But likely you found that while the information was good and it surely worked for other people, it hasn't worked in the way that you wanted for yourself.

Maybe you've tried freelancing but you found that it has been kind of frustrating. You haven't been able to get the kind of clients you most desire and it seemed easier.

Maybe you've tried one of these other ways to make money: Funnel hacking, drop ship business, creating a product and selling on Amazon, selling a service, or affiliate marketing. There's all kinds of different techniques, so to speak. 

But you found that they require a lot of time, and it was frustrating. You weren't getting the results you wanted. You weren't making the progress you wanted. Or weren't making the money that you wanted. And it was taking away from your lifestyle because it was requiring a lot of investment of time as well to get started in those things.

So what I'm going to share with you now is why a lot of those things haven't worked, how to get them to work. And why having the Law Of Attraction work for you is the key to having that all happen.
The 3 Simple Keys Anyone Can Do To Start Having The Law Of Attraction Manifest The Money They Most Want
The foundation of the Law Of Attraction is having your energy aligned with the Law Of Attraction Energy. I'll go into a lot more detail on that momentarily. 

Once you have that foundation, a lot of things are going to happen. First of all a lot of those techniques that we just talked about that maybe you've been trying and have been frustrated with, likely could start to work and work incredibly well.

When your energy isn't right--when it isn't aligned with the Law Of Attraction Energy--then practically any technique you use is going to be a lot more of a struggle, and it may not work at all. 

Once you have your energy right, the Law Of Attraction is going to bring to you what you're focusing on. So what's most important is that you have clarity with what you most resonate with.

If we look at the Facebook newsfeed or if we turn on the TV set, we're going to see pictures of people with certain things. A lot of those things are financial related. 

The most important thing is that you resonate with whatever it is and whatever it is, is the most important thing for you. 

Finally are the 1% of actions that you're going to do that are going to give the you the 99% of results.
So instead of having all this struggle and getting very little results, we're talking about having 1% that get the 99% of results.

For example, if you look at Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, you don't perceive them as working or struggling or stressing so much to create more wealth. That's because they're doing the 1% of activities that give them the 99% of results.
What Is The Law Of Attraction Energy?
Let's go into more detail about energy, because the Law Of Attraction Energy is truly the foundation for having everything work for you. 

When you have the Law Of Attraction Energy, how are you going to feel? 

You're going to feel connected, happy, equanimity regardless of what's going on around you. You're going to feel wealthy, confident, loved, presentfulfilled.
How Do You Achieve That?
There's a lot of different methods. Let's talk about the methods and how you've likely already been using them... and then how it's going to work for you when we start doing it the right way.

The right way simply means aligned with the Law Of Attraction so you start getting the things you want quickly, naturally, easily, in a flow manner instead of a struggle. 

You're likely already using affirmations whenever you say something like, "Gosh, it's hard to make more money. I can never make the bills at the end of the month. It's so hard to budget. I'm always overspending. I'll never have that mansion." 

You're using affirmations. You're affirming the things that you don't want. 

So I'm going to be showing you how to affirm the things that you do want because the Law Of Attraction will bring them to you. And it's not just about affirming them. You actually have to affirm them at the right point so that they're the most effective.

Deep Relaxation

You're likely already using deep relaxation. For example, right before you go to sleep or when you wake up in the morning, you're still in that peaceful state. 

Or when you look at the Facebook news feed and it scrolls through. Or you turn on a TV set and you watch a show and advertisers show their promotions. You're in a state of deeper relaxation, you can call it zoning out. 

When you're in that state, you're a lot more receptive to messages. So you're already using that, so to 
speak, or you're being affected by it. 

Now, what I'm going to be showing you how to do is how to use that to give you the thoughts that you desire, so that the Law Of Attraction will bring to you what you're thinking about. 


You've already used this many times. Whenever you say thank you to somebody, the person likely smiles. They appreciate it, and you get a sense they want to give you more of whatever they did so that you say thank you again. 

It's the same thing with the universe and the Law Of Attraction. The more you're thankful for every penny, the more that you will get more wealth. 


You're already visualizing things. You may be visualizing the bills coming every month. You may be visualizing the stress of having to be, or having to do something tomorrow you don't want to do.

You may be visualizing the clock ticking so slowly and you're waiting for that lunch break. 

You may be visualizing yourself unable to spend and having to go in and pay for the installments on your credit cards. You may be visualizing how other people have all these nice things and you're in this small home, or your perceived small home. 

You're already visualizing these things and the more you visualize those things, and the more you visualize those things, the more the universe will bring more of that to you. 

So I'm going to be showing you how to quickly, naturally, easily visualize the things that you most desire. Maybe even things that you haven't thought you desired, that are even more incredible for you. And the more you do that, the more the Law Of Attraction will bring those things to you. 

Self-Reiki and Chakra Balancing

Self-reiki and chakra balancing are about energy alignment. That is so important for the Law Of Attraction to work for you. 

You have different energy centers. When they're aligned, that's going to allow you to receive the Law Of Attraction into your life. 

As an analogy, right now you're already having your energy adjusted, so to speak, every time you think about something more, every time you start concentrating on something more, or you allow your feeling to connect with whatever the concept is. Or whenever you speak with someone, or interact with people, or you touch people. 

We're all energy basically, and it's influenced by everything around us. So you're already "using" this method or technique. However, it's a lot more effective when you consciously do it and you align your energy. 

For example, if you and another person are pretty similar in strength and size and you're pushing against each other. Your hands are pushing against each other. You're likely going to go nowhere. However, if that person then gets behind you and you start running forward and they're pushing you, you're going to go so much faster and easier forward.  

That's this concept when you have your energy aligned, and I'll show you how easily do that.  


You likely are already using this every time, for example, you say, "Gosh, I can't spend. I'm so bad at spending. I've failed so many times in business. All these techniques, they don't work for me."

You're using the method basically by not forgiving yourself.

Or if you're not forgiving the government. You're not forgiving things around you, your boss, co-workers, whatever it is.   

Every time you do that, you're blocking the Law Of Attraction from working in your life. So, I'm going to be showing you how you can start using forgiveness--give forgiveness to everyone, accept everything--and that's going to allow the Law Of Attraction to bring into your life what you most desire financially. 

Abundance: Send Great Energy To Others

You're already doing that. Every time you think that it's a competition. That there's not enough for everybody. That if they're doing so well, then you can't. 

You're already using it, but you're blocking the Law Of Attraction from working. 

The more you think that there's an abundance, there's more than enough money for everybody. We can help more people. We can all help more people, and that's going to create more income for you. And I'll show you how to do that. 

Mental Experience

The more you experience whatever it is you most desire, the more it's going to come into your life.

You're likely already using that every time you relive the stressful experience of not being able to pay for something. 

Or relive putting it on your credit cards because you don't have cash. Or relive not being able to budget, or relive, "I'm going to retire one day and I'm not going to have that income." 

Every time you're experiencing this, you're already doing it. However, the adjustment would be to mental experience the things that you most desire. That's going to allow the Law Of Attraction to bring those to you.
One Simple Method To Align Your Energy
All of these methods are actually scientifically demonstrated to produce results. This is the first time, the first system, called the Power Life System Meditation And Energy Balancing Exercises, where these have all been combined into an easy-to-do format that you can do in as little as 5 minutes per day

In just 5 minutes per day, we can have you having the Law Of Attraction Energy more and more, so that the things that you most desire financially start coming into your life.
Let's Review What We Covered So Far
We've talked about energy and the importance of synergy. 

Synergy is that you're doing all of these different methods in the right order, in the right way, so that you get a synergistic effect that's even greater than the individual scientifically demonstrated methods. 

This is going to mean that what you're focusing on is going to come into your life. You need to have clarity where you resonate with whatever it is that you desire on the deepest level so that you get the things that you most desire. 

I'm going to show you how to do that. I'm going to practically take you by the hand, step-by-step, in the Greater Finances guide so that you can identify with clarity the things that you most resonate with. You might not even know that you truly want it. So that you can ultimately get those things.

Finally, I'm going to guide you as well, step-by-step, on how to identify the 1% that give you the 99% of results. As opposed to doing the 99% of things that were frustrating.
A Case Study
I'll give you an example of an individual that was doing this system. 

Before, he was really busy. He had his own businesses selling different types of products and services, none of which he was really that passionate about. But they were good businesses, they were generating income. 

However then what he did is he focused on getting his energy aligned and then following the steps where he resonated on the deepest level.

Then he started doing things when he identified that what he most desired was to make a positive difference in the world. Then he followed the steps to identify the activities to do so. 

Quickly and naturally, and incredibly productively and fast, he was able to identify the things to do where he could have the income, and also be aligned doing the things that he most enjoyed doing, which he was doing before for free basically. 

He turned it into a business that he was passionate about. Where it wasn't work. It was his life mission that he was doing. 

So that could be the example for you or it could be something completely different. Because it all comes down to what your specific desires are. I'll guide you regardless of what those are, through the Greater Finances guide that you'll soon have access to.
Here's What Greater Finances Will Do For You:
When you get and apply the simple, easy-to-do methods, you will:
  •   Immediately think of yourself as always capable of having more money.
  •   Have more and more money by following the easy to do steps anyone can do.
  •   Let go of anything limiting from your past that was blocking you from reaching your income potential in the past.
  •   Easily save and budget (where frustration of overspending is a thing of the past). Keep a budget so you can accumulate and save money every month.
  •   Seek and be successful in new higher paying opportunities (that result in greater income, more enjoyment, and more personal freedom).
  •   Enjoy what you do to make money even more! (Start truly enjoying your activities and not just see them as a means to an end). Do something you are excited about, that you feel congruent with, that's coming from who you are and using all your abilities.
  •   Be able to have a continuous source of income, keep your lifestyle, and enjoy time and freedom with the people you most love.
  •   Have additional income so you can take care of credit card expenses, have more date nights, and nicer things in your lifestyle that you deserve.
  •   Be able to have more luxuries in your life and enjoy them.
  •   Have more freedom of time to do the things that you want to do in life.
  •   Do more for others by having more money to contribute to causes that make the world a better place.
Here's What You Will Get In Greater Finances:
Guide & Audio
  • 10 chapters power-packed with the exact steps to do to start manifesting the financial success and happiness you always dreamed of with the Law Of Attraction.
  •   I take you by the hand to guide you to word the MOST IMPORTANT financial desires in the RIGHT way so that the universe and the Law Of Attraction bring to you what you most want the fastest and easiest.
  •   I give you cut-and-paste examples of optimum things to do to start having the money, time, and happiness you most want. (Most students report that these optimum activities are easier to do, faster, and get momentous greater financial results than anything they had tried before.)
  •   Easy to listen to audio MP3s downloadable to any device. Get the methods fast. Listen on your phone, tablet or computer from the comfort of home at a time that's convenient for you.
Guide & Audio
  •   Discover the numerous scientific studies and expert opinions that back the methods in Greater Finances. This will build even more belief that the methods work (as science has proven them) so that you do them and get fantastic results for yourself
  •  The expanded history of the system (and the many years and tens of thousand of hours that led to it's presentation to you now)
  •   A quick exercise that could reveal your true calling in life (students are amazed by what they find out) 
  •   Fun and easy ways to supercharge your motivation anytime 
  •   Energizing exercises to start aligning your energy right away. 
  •  To make it even easier, you can download the MP3 audio version to any device and listen anywhere.
In the "Energy Aligning Videos," you will align your energy with Law Of Attraction Energy (with a financial focus) even faster and easier. The benefit is the greater your energy is aligned, the more the universe goes to work for you to manifest what you most desire financially.
  •  2 step-by-step online video guides walking you through relaxation and visualization, self-reiki and chakra balancing
  •  Just press play when you need a boost of energy, want to relax or strengthen your health
  •  Try just before going to bed for a restful, restorative sleep
  •   Do it first thing in the morning to get a positive, energetic and focused start to your most productive day
Guide & Audio
  •   Easy to follow method combines scientifically proven methods into a synergistic system
  •  Read the illustrated guide, or listen to the convenient audio MP3 on any device.
  •  Do in as little as 5 minutes a day to have your energy more and more aligned with the Law Of Attraction Energy to start attracting into your life what you most desire.
Digital & PDF Version
  •   Download to practically any device, keep one online or print it out.
  •  Make an online copy and pop it open on practically any device and track your progress on multiple devices easily. 
  •   Easy way to keep track of exactly where you’re at on your manifestation journey and what to do each day to manifest the life of your dreams.
  •   Track your fantastic progress 
What Students Are Saying
Owen Manby I have started earning more money... I would definitely, 100% recommend that anybody try the Power Life System regardless of what it is you want to achieve in your life...
Dianne Sia-Luceñara ... The biggest accomplishment, I was able to do by doing the Power Life System... We got our first car... I can really say it’s because of the Power Life System that I got the car.
Jessica Barnes As soon as I got on the system, I expanded my freelance business and included new clients with new enjoyable opportunities.
Mahmudul Hasan Emonhe When I first started the course, I didn't know what to expect but I saw a lot of changes in me. I was a pessimist and I suffered from depression. I was unmotivated in life. I didn't really expect much when I started the course. Lots of changes came and I didn't even do a lot of things to make things happen. I just did the [exercises]. I gave 15 minutes of my time each day following what was asked then increased to 25 minutes. The outcome is I became more positive and energetic. My outlook in life changed a lot!
Peter Kennedy [The course] came along at the right time. I was already on a journey, and [the course] gave me the structure to take the next step. Essentially, [the course] helped me to clarify what I want, to focus on how I am going to get there, and to make the benefits of what I want a present reality, rather than a future dream. It’s a simple way to make things happen... that I can use for the rest of my life.
The testimonials on this page and elsewhere are the individual results and opinions of those who have followed the system and may not reflect the typical student’s experience, may not apply to all people, and are not intended to imply or guarantee that anyone will have the same or similar results.
Special Bonuses That Can Be Yours 
For FREE When You Get Started Today 
Before Time Runs Out
Free: How To Turn Challenges Into Opportunities (Value: $97)
Guide & Audio
Challenges happen. The gift is being able to transform those challenges into a greater opportunities in your life, so you can have more of the money, the time, the freedom that you most desire.

You get the "How To Turn Challenges Into Opportunities" guide and audio for free today.
Free: How To Visualize & Mental Experience (Value: $97)
Guide & Audio
The more you can visualize and experience the things that you most desire, the faster and easier they'll come to you through the Law Of Attraction.

This holds especially true with finances, so I'm including the "How To Visualize And Mental Experience" guide and audio for free today.
That's 2 special bonus guides and audios, valued at $194 alone. 

Add that to the value of the Greater Finances system which includes the Greater Finances guide and audio, the Introduction guide and audio, the Energy Aligning Video Demonstrations, the Power Life System Meditation and Energy Balancing Exercises guide and audio, plus the Daily Planner to track your fantastic results.

That adds up to a total package value of $1,226!
But because you are a new member, you can get started today for just $47 $7.
However, I can’t guarantee this price for too long.
I don't know how much longer it's going to be available at that price, as well as include the bonuses and the audio. So I would encourage you to act now because you could come back tomorrow and maybe the price is higher, or it's not available with the bonuses and the audios.

You can have peace of mind that you’re making a great decision with my 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Try the Greater Finances course for 365 days. If for some reason you are not satisfied, just email us and get your money back. No hassles.
You can get your copy, do the steps and see the results for yourself in your life. I’m positive that after using these powerful methods, you will be amazed at the results in your life.  

But, if Greater Finances doesn't show you exactly how to think of yourself as financially successful regardless of your past... if it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step to get higher paying opportunities... or if it fails to help you easily save and budget, then you understand that you will receive a full refund, no questions asked!

All you have to do to get all of the benefits of Greater Finances for only $7 is to act now and click the Add To Cart button below. With peace of mind knowing you are backed by my 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.

So really you have nothing to lose, and so much to gain...
Here's What You're Going To Get In Greater Finances
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If You Didn't Sign Up Immediately...
I want you to look back on today in the future. Because I know how some people think, "Well, no, it sounds great. I know it will work. But I'll do it tomorrow."

Well, let's just say you've kept on doing that for the next 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 years. 

You look back on today and your financial situation hasn't improved. You've missed out on so many opportunities for yourself, for your loved ones, the example to give for the people around you.

Your life has continued and it's continued with the struggle and the pain and the heartache that you've already had in the past. The frustration and the disillusionment.

You look back on today and you say, "I probably could have had something different. But it's too late." And you've lived a life of regrets that you can't go back. You can't ever get back those moments that have passed.

Yet let's look at the scenario where you take action right now. You get Greater Finances and you apply it.
When You Decide To Take This Opportunity...
You start having the Law Of Attraction work in your life. When you project out into the future a month, 3 months, 6 months from now and every single month things get better and better.

You've accomplished the things you most desired and then you identify new things that are even greater. Thing that are even more congruent with you, yet bigger.

You look back in a year, 5, 10, 20, 40 years from now. You look back at your life, full of all of the things that you most desired regarding your finances.

Whether it's money, time, freedom, travelling the world. Making large contributions to others and seeing the gratitude from them. Feeling that incredible gratitude and seeing the positive difference you've made. Or having more and more of the luxuries you most desire, whatever it is for yourself.

You look back and you say, "Thank you. I made the right decision today. I got started. My life is phenomenal. The financial area of my life has been working incredibly, aligned with the Law Of Attraction. More and more of what I desire has come into my life."

That's what I want for you. So get started right now. I look forward to welcoming you on the other side and seeing the incredible results in your life.
Here's How To Order
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Time is going by. When we project out into the future, one day there will be a point where we cannot change things and all we can do is look back on today with sad regret. I want to help you look back on today as the start of incredible finances in your life.

I look forward to welcoming you in the "Greater Finances" member's area.

Eric Michael
Founder of Power Life System
P.S. The sooner you act, the faster you can start having incredible finances. This limited-time price will not be available much longer.

P.P.S. Remember, you have 365 days to try Greater Finances for yourself. With the 365-Day Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is the checkout page secure?
Yes, the checkout page is 100% secure, encrypted.

Will this really work for me (I've failed in the past)?
You have not failed; you have identified a method that did not work, and will learn in the bonus guide, "How To Transform Challenges Into Opportunities" how to find the golden nugget in it. With that said, "Greater Finances" will work for you when you apply the methods and we are here to answer any questions if you have them to solve anything that may come up.

Will this system work equally well for men and women?
Absolutely. The Law Of Attraction and infinite positive energy in the universe works for all genders.

Is this shipped to me?
You get immediate digital access you can access using practically any device so that you can start to benefit immediately.

I'm not sure I have the time to do this.
Since we are talking about only 15 minutes to get started per day, many students have found that by reducing the time they spend on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other social media platforms. The students prioritized their time when they evaluated and realized that they were not achieving their desires (nor would they) by using these social media platforms. After doing this, they shared that it was one of the best decisions they have made.

I'm not sure I have the discipline to do this.
I encourage you to focus first on the Introduction guide in Greater Finances where you identify motivators to be even more motivated. Then, communicate with our support team to help encourage you and help you gain even more success in the area of finances, which will build your discipline even more, for more enjoyment and overall life success!

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You'll go to the secure order page. Once you fill in your details and complete your order, you'll be taken to the order confirmation page where you can access your purchase. Your access details will also be emailed to you. You'll create a member's area login and then you can download your materials and start getting results right away.
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